About Me

Find out more about me and my journey
into spiritual counselling & therapies

Taking time and space to heal can be difficult and I respect the struggle and courage that it often takes. In fact it's a struggle I intimately understand as I have had to heal through a traumatic past and this inspires my work today.

About me

I describe myself as warm, authentic, compassionate yet direct with a little of sprinkle of humour thrown in.

My life style is spiritual in nature, which for me doesn’t mean religious. I include meditation, breath work and gratitude into my daily practices.

Connection to nature is my balance, and am blessed with joy with my best friend and companion, Lexi, my mischievous beautiful dog.

There are parts of my story woven into the way I work – for over 10 years my Spiritual Path, and my own healing, has led me on a global journey to work alongside and, being mentored by, four very gifted Healers and Teachers in Bali, America and here in the UK.

My personal knowledge and experience is authentic and comes across into my work, I feel inspired and moved by the willingness of others to share with me their pain, and I feel privileged that I’m part of their journey, and witness their personal growth. My clients know I am genuine in my care and concern.

I am truly passionate about my work. I see it as a vocation and a calling, my clients get results, which is why so many of my clients come to me through word of mouth.

What makes me different

I am an Energy Healing Practitioner as well as a Spiritual Counsellor, my therapy combines the two. The Mind – Body Connection.

I work with the “Whole of you” which means, not only do I support your mental and emotional health but guide you to be in the driving seat to improve your health and overall well-being of your body too.

Because of my additional training and skill set, I have cherry picked methods proven to be successful, backed by science, and get results.

I provide a fresh and individualised approach for each client

How I work

I genuinely love and am skilled at what I do. This comes through in my being fully-present, my compassion for your pain, my playfulness of spirit, my creation of a safe nurturing space, and my positive energy when we are together. I have your back every step of the way.

This is not your usual “let’s just talk therapy” nor is it about constantly talking about and reliving your past.

I am actively involved in our sessions through questioning, listening, responding, and importantly, teaching.

Key methods included into sessions include Positive Psychology — Improving your emotional well-being and happiness through creating positive changes, such as incorporating meditation, breath work, visualisation techniques, compassion, gratitude, and mindfulness practices into our work.

Our work together may be very structured at times as we problem-solve and practice new skills,; other times it will be less structured as we discuss your experiences and reflect on your perceptions.

How you may be feeling

Are your thoughts and emotions spiralling out of control and you are having difficulty to switch them off?

Are you suffering with anxiety and panic attacks that are having a negative impact on your day-to-day life?

You may be feeling exhausted, nauseous, tearful, difficulty sleeping, perhaps in pain and illness symptoms are getting worse – to name but a few?

Many of my clients come to me for help with anxiety, personal loss, illness, trauma, child hood neglect, and general feelings of dissatisfaction and distress. Whether you’re burned out or just want to see what life can be like when you’re living at your best and most unburdened, I can offer a calm, non-judgemental space.

What I think

Therapy is the best form of self-care a person can give to oneself.

It is an investment in yourself, your future and your own happiness that you have for life.

Most clients I initially speak with think to reach out to a therapist is a sign of their own weakness, I gently challenge this thought process. It is a strength.

People seek therapy for a variety of reasons: to gain skills, strategies with a neutral person, understand oneself better, or resolve past painful experiences.

As a therapist, I perceive my role to include being both a guide and educator, helping you follow your path to your own understanding.

As people, we often have the answers to our own struggles/experiences, but are not able to identify that answer, or we doubt our own wisdom.

“For over ten years my Spiritual Path has led me on a global journey to work alongside and, be mentored by four, very gifted healers and teachers in Bali, America and here in the UK. Our spiritual journeys are always ongoing so I take pride in always looking to improve the work I do and ensure my clients find the healing they need.”

  • Spiritual Counsellor
  • Teaching Practitioner for Mindfulness & Meditation
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Neurobiology of Trauma
  • OCN L3 Rape & Abuse
  • NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)
  • EFT (emotional freedom technique)
  • Holistic Therapist
  • Massage: (Including Deep Tissue) ITEC
  • Indian Head Massage: ITEC
  • Crystal Healing DIPLOMA
  • Reiki Master
  • Beauty Therapist L3
  • Elemis and Decleor Professional Trained

In addition to seeking the support of great healers and teachers, I further developed my skills and offered my services freely to work within two charities, both for five years. I have helped set up and supported people with long-term health conditions, while also working alongside those who suffered trauma from rape and abuse. I have been able to give more people the tools I’ve fought for in my own life.

I am registered and entitled to practise as a Spiritual Counsellor, Healer, Teacher and Mentor under the CMA: Complementary Medical Association.

  • I am bound by the highest standard of professional codes of practice and ethics.
  • I continuously undertake professional development training to keep me up-to-date with current research and thinking.
  • I attend regular supervision and hold professional liability insurance and I am fully checked by the DBS

Get In Touch

I respect that for many it takes courage to pick up the phone or drop me a line as It’s actually a bit anxiety-inducing to reach out to a therapist.

You have so many unspoken questions, that’s why I offer a free consultation.

You have already taken the first step, by contacting me you keep moving forward, let me support you with the rest.


Get In Touch

I respect that for many it takes courage to pick up the phone or drop me a line as It’s actually a bit anxiety-inducing to reach out to a therapist.

You have so many unspoken questions, that’s why I offer a free consultation.

You have already taken the first step, by contacting me you keep moving forward, let me support you with the rest.
