
Awareness is the 1st key component for life change

“What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself”
Abraham Maslow

Path To Freedom

Working in the here and now is the approach that is incorporated into all my sessions. We communicate on many different levels, not just via the spoken word, but through the energies of the human body as well. My role is to notice the things you’re not seeing and support you to bring more conscious awareness to these things.

When we’re made aware of these subtle signals, they amplify where healing is needed, we then have a sense to a path of least resistance, the path to your emotional and mental freedom.

Awareness is a skill that gets cultivated with practice, and over time, it can become a powerful force to facilitate positive, personal change.

All too often we lack self-awareness because we’re actually thinking too much. We easily become lost in our thoughts, assuming they’re true or worth engaging with simply because our minds decided to throw them at us.

The ability to be self-aware is one of the most essential yet difficult to achieve skills we humans can achieve. But it is possible!

What Is Self Awareness?

Self-awareness is simply the capacity to observe ourselves to take notice of and pay attention to patterns within our thoughts, emotions, feelings, and behaviours. We all have the key within us to unlock our hidden potential to develop this skill.

Let me guide you through a simple yet powerful process to help you cultivate self awareness so you begin to live life from a state of mental and emotional freedom operating from a higher state of consciousness.

Benefits of Increased Awareness Include:

  • A deeper understanding of ourselves – Internal & External
  • A knowledge of the subtle areas of existence
  • A stronger connection to our spiritual nature
  • A sense of control of our life, despite outside circumstances
  • More ease and flexibility in the physical body

Awareness leads to:

Understanding your Mindset >>

The 2nd key component to Heal your Mind – Heal your Body. This knowledge opens us up to eliminate many of the hidden obstacles that cripple us moving forward.

For over ten years my Spiritual Path has led me on a global journey to work alongside and, be mentored by four, very gifted healers and teachers in Bali, America and here in the UK. Our spiritual journeys are always ongoing so I take pride in always looking to improve the work I do and ensure my clients find the healing they need.

Get In Touch

I respect that for many it takes courage to pick up the phone or drop me a line as It’s actually a bit anxiety-inducing to reach out to a therapist.

You have so many unspoken questions, that’s why I offer a free consultation.

You have already taken the first step, by contacting me you keep moving forward, let me support you with the rest.


Get In Touch

I respect that for many it takes courage to pick up the phone or drop me a line as It’s actually a bit anxiety-inducing to reach out to a therapist.

You have so many unspoken questions, that’s why I offer a free consultation.

You have already taken the first step, by contacting me you keep moving forward, let me support you with the rest.
